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Date(s) - 07/11/2022
9:00 am - 5:15 pm

Categories No Categories

Fun with Reflexes is a fun and interactive workshop. We will review reflex patterns and will explore ways to address these patterns in fun and functional ways. You will learn some fun and interactive activities and games to stimulate integration, but even more importantly, you will work with others to dive deeper and create new ideas and activities. As all activities are shared, you will go back to your clients with numerous new tools in your reflex toolbox!

Fun with reflexes is a course designed for therapists who have experience working on primitive reflexes with their clients. This course will review the basic movements of reflexes, as well as the problems that may be associated with retaining the reflex. It is not intended to teach about the reflexes, the prerequisite is having taken prior reflex courses.

Instructor: Jenni Halstead, COTA

Inquires to Stephanie at


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